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Girls with Autism and/or ADHD FREE WEBINAR

SENNIES is hosting a FREE Webinar that will focus on the presentation of a biologically female child or young person who is Autistic and/or has ADHD, with a focus on understanding the differences and nuances in how girls may show traits or behaviours as well as providing supportive strategies and resources you can take away and use at home or in your role as a Sennie!

Date: Thursday 15th July 2021

Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm

Location: Zoom

Cost: FREE!

We strongly advise reserving your seat for the webinar even thought it s free, as this even is open to EVERYONE and tickets will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

Did you know that boys are diagnosed with ADHD at a ratio of four to every one girl, and it's five to one for Autism? This tends to be because these conditions present differently in girls, the fact that the majority of documented research has been conducted on young boys means that girls are more likely to be overlooked. During the Webinar, we will delve into:

  • The presentation of girls on the spectrum

  • The presentation of girls with ADHD

  • The similarities and differences between Autism and ADHD

  • Masking

  • Anxiety

  • Friendships

  • Supportive strategies

Why is it free? - Georgia the CEO and Co-Founder of SENNIES has ADHD and knows for a fact that spotting the signs of Autism and ADHD in girls can be difficult and getting a diagnosis even harder. We hope this free webinar will help educate the wider community on how to recognise and support girls with Autism and ADHD, so the right strategies and appropriate early intervention can be provided, to help girls with Autism and/or ADHD access their superpowers! SENNIES have partnered with Victoria Brewer (iAAS), a qualified specialist teacher, Education Advisor and Autism Consultant who has over 15 years’ experience working as a private nanny, a teacher in various special schools and units, running an elite childcare facility, and in an advisory role for local council. Making her an expert in her field.

'SENNIES is an affordable specialist introduction agency, helping families find the perfect Sennie (Special Educational Needs Nanny/Teacher/Carer/professional) suited to their specific needs and requirements. SENNIES is run by a team of neurodiverse Super Sennies, and has been recommended by councils, charities, schools and families all over the UK.

If you are looking for a new SEN Childcarer or a new role as a Sennie please email



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